26 June, 2012

Re-laying a brick path

Kendra and I have ripped up our brick path, leveled it out, and have put most of it back.  We should finish tomorrow afternoon! I thought it was going to be absolutely terrible, but it actually wasn't too bad.  Even K said that it wasn't as hard as she expected.  Although I do have a very sore back, a blister, and new calluses!

Update: all done but the edging.  I haven't decided what I want to use yet.  I'll decide this weekend.  

Here are some photos:


22 June, 2012

Painted the basement

Kendra and I finished painting the basement today.  It looks awesome!  I don't have a picture right now, but I might update one later.  It went much faster than expected, K and I worked well together, and I think we both had a bit of fun.

12 June, 2012

Kendra visiting!

Kendra gets here today!  I can't wait!!!!!!

04 June, 2012

Ultrasound 2

I was 10 weeks 2 days on Monday at my 2nd OB appointment and the little bean has grown 10 times its size since the last visit from .54 cm to 5.3 cm and looks more like a gummy bear now! The heart beat was 169 beats per minute and was awesome to hear again! The morning sickness is mostly gone and I'm feeling much more energetic! hooray!

This picture has the heartbeat. The heart is between the two yellow lines. The head is at the orange arrow and the length is between the two red lines. The green boxes show the measurements.

This picture is a little closer up, the length is between the two red lines and I think the nose is at the yellow arrow.

The midwife at the appointment was awesome.  She couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler, so she gave me an abdominal ultrasound!   She was friendly and paid attention and this was a great change from the last "midwife" at my orientation. I plan on sticking with Walter Reed Bethesda through the entire pregnancy, so I'm glad that this experience was much better than my last visit. The midwife was great because she listened to me about my thyroid, showed me a little squishy model of what our baby looks like right about now, and was generally just nice and friendly and cool.

Brian and I have been working really hard on our registry since Jill is throwing me a shower in about 6 weeks! We know nothing about bottles or strollers or swings/bouncers or other baby related stuff other than what I remember from Kendra and Abby. I'm sure we'll figure it all out though. We have decided to do it through Amazon though.  The link is http://www.amazon.com/registry/baby/3C6NTSMZVLTNU

Mika is just being Mika. She saw a young groundhog today on our walk and pulled so hard that I had to let her go. I have been working with her a lot on loose-leash walking so that she doesn't pull that hard, but she lost control a bit. Hopefully she'll keep getting better or I will have to stop walking her eventually. We are also working on her stair etiquette because she frequently pushes up against me while I'm going down the stairs and we don't want any falls.