31 July, 2012

Routine Dr Appointment

I am posting this from my phone so sorry for any mistakes.
I just left my 16-20 week appt. Everything is right on track. I didnt like the provider as well, but she was nice. Fundal height is right on track for 18 weeks. Sweet Potato's heart beat was 146 bpm. My blood pressure was a bit higher but they weren't concerned.
The practitioner told me that the umbilical cord pulse was the same rate as baby and that is an indicator of good health. I love the doppler. It was worth it to have one at home.
My part one sequential screening blood work came back negative for increased defects risk so that is good.
That is all I have for now. I am taking a tour of the maternity ward in a bit. Hooray!!!!! Naptime in the car first though.

30 July, 2012

18 weeks

18 weeks:

* about 5.5 inches long (about the size of a bell pepper or sweet potato)
* about 7oz
* lots of movements that I think I am starting to feel every once in awhile.  I felt one or two about 2 weeks ago, then I haven't noticed much since.  I think the difference is that I quit wearing my prepregnancy jeans.  So maybe I'm not squishing my little sweet potato so much now.
* fingerprints are formed
* yawning and hiccuping starts
* ear bones have hardened and baby can hear now

* showing more.  I promise a picture this week.  I promise.
* Hungry hungry hippo.  I'm having lots of snacks again.
* I've finally gained about 5 lbs, but that is probably only because I broke down and ate a bunch of oreos.
* I'm wearing maternity or yoga pants now.  I have bought some work maternity clothes.  My regular jeans are starting to dig a lot.
* I'm literally falling asleep for naps without intention.  In the past I felt fatigued and laid down.  Now, I'll be doing something while laying on the couch or bed or floor and I'll wake up an hour or two later.... hopefully this won't be an issue when I start work.

So I was suppose to start work on 4 September but that got moved to 6 August.  I'm nervous and excited.  I can't go on my trip to Europe now, but I'm getting a significant pay raise and more vacation time built up before baby.  I've started looking at my benefits package very closely and it looks like I will only qualify for short term disability and any vacation time I have which I may have to use for appointments.  I only get 3 weeks at 100% pay and then the rest would be at 60% pay.  Not sure what I'm going to do yet, but we'll figure it out.  During orientation I will ask how to get in contact with HR about it.  I don't want to wait too long to tell them.  Although I have seen some people that wait until they are 6 months to inform.

We bought our crib (we got it in dark brown) and some storage furniture and baskets for clothes and such.  Later the storage units can be put on a wall or moved somewhere else and the baskets can be taken anywhere in the house if need be.  We don't plan on getting much else furniture wise for the nursery.  We already have a bunch of corner shelves in there.  I'm working on cleaning out all the office stuff.  I haven't decided if we will need the closet or not.  We'll see once we get closer.  We probably will though.  Hopefully I'll have the office cleaned out by the end of this week so I can build the crib and the storage furniture.

25 July, 2012

17 Weeks

I was 17 weeks on Saturday, and I'm starting to show in jeans and a t-shirt/tank top.  My bump is easy to hide in some clothes still though.  I left my Indiana home on Saturday and flew back to Maryland.  I am happy to be home, but I miss everyone already.  It was a sad and happy trip.  My maternal grandmother passed, so I went to a funeral.  Then turned around two days later and had my baby shower.  Cycle of life stuff I guess, but it was a bit draining.

Not much to update this week.  I'm needing naps more than I have the last few weeks.  I start work on 6 August and I am very excited and nervous.

16 July, 2012

16 weeks and a shower

I am 16 weeks ("they" say baby is about the size of an avocado now!), and Jill threw me a baby shower back in my hometown.   

I'm really starting to show I think.  I will have K take a picture for me. 

The shower was a lot of fun.  Jill and my sisters put a ton of effort into it.  It was awesome, and I really can't thank them enough.   I've never had a shower or party like that before and it was a blast. 

Here are some pictures.  I have a few more, so ask if you want to see them.  I didn't put many of the people up in case anyone feels a bit weirded out by that.  You should be able to click on the pictures to make them bigger:

The shower was at my family's church in the fellowship hall.  It looked awesome!

These are just some of the decorations on the table.

Abby made cake pops for all the guests.

Another view where you can see the gift table in the back, the clothes line, and cake pops in the front.  The index cards were used for people to give me tips for being a mom and name recommendations. 

A table after we got the balloons.  A close friend of Jills got us the balloons for all the tables.  They were great!

This was my cake.  We don't know the sex of the kid yet so Jill made me a very beautiful colorful mystery cake.

Abby and Jill made these decorations for each window in the hall with posterboard/cardstock and tissue paper.  They turned out awesome and they really added to the room.

The flower/fan decorations up close. 

The guest table had envelopes for people to put their addresses on for a door prize, a plate for them to sign (not shown), some decorations, and a diaper tote filled with baby necessities that the guests had to look at for a price is right game. 

Close up on the cake.  The buttons were awesome!

A pair of booties that my mamaw gave me that fit perfect in a spot on the clothes line. 

Kendra and I made origami stars.  It was very easy but time consuming.  They looked too cute in baby food jars!

Another picture of a table with decorations.

A family friend playing the diaper game where you have to guess what kind of candy has been melted and squished in a diaper.

A family friend being grossed out by the diaper game. 

More fun with the diaper game

Me opening gifts (this is a cup that says "MOM" since the gifter said her mother always complained about not having her own cup for 18 years after having children.)

I got a few homemade blankets (which I love!) This one is being modeled by me and my cousin who was a great helper. 

Two of my grandmothers were able to make it to my shower.  I was so happy they could share the day with me.

Some of my mother's side of my family who were able to make it!

An awesome picture of balloons that Kendra took.  Thank you Kendra for doing all these pictures!

07 July, 2012

15 Weeks

I am 15 weeks today!  It feels like it is taking forever and going so fast at the same time.  I might be showing a bit now, but it is mostly pudge and organs and not so much uterus yet.  I'll try to update with a picture later if I can stand any of them.  I'm dealing with allergies or pregnancy rhinitis.  I'm not sure yet.  Symptoms are the same.  I can't call about allergy meds until Monday, since I waited too late to call yesterday.  The crappy thing is that I went almost two full years without allergy medicine and no major allergy issues.

About the baby at 15 weeks:
Length: About 4 inches long or the size of my fist.
Weight: about 2.5 ounces (babycenter.com says to imagine an apple)

  • Baby is taking in amniotic fluid through the nose to help in the development of the lungs.
  • Baby can move all the joints and limbs now.  
  • Baby can sense light (even though the eyelids are still closed) and will move away from light making it into the uterus.
  • Taste buds are forming.
  • The three ear bones are hardening.

Changes for me:
Everything I read says I should have gained about 5 pounds by now, but I haven't gained a pound.  I think I may have even lost a few.  I'm eating all the time, but I can't seem to eat very big portions.  Kind of unexpected that the time in my life that I can gain 20+ lbs and I can't seem to do it.  I mean, I can gain 20 lbs easy without pregnancy!  Bodies are weird

Everything I read says that nose stuffiness is a common symptom at this stage due to hormones and increased blood flow to the mucous membranes in my body.  My frustration is that my eyes are also itchy and dry, and I have a sinus headache/pressure.  Apparently this is common too.  UGH

I'm very anxious to feel baby move.  Most first time moms don't start feeling it until between 16-22 weeks.  I guess I'll have to be patient (I'm not very patient...at all).  The cool thing is that I have a home doppler.  A couple weeks ago, I started hearing a new sound when I found the heartbeat.  I'm pretty sure this is baby moving.

06 July, 2012

Make Room for Baby

I know I have shown a few people this link already, but I love going back to it.

It's called Make Room for Baby.  

It is an online exhibit for the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry about how the body changes during pregnancy.  It is interactive.  You can either watch it from beginning to end or set it to your preferred stage of pregnancy.  It also helps explain my 2-4 middle of the night trips to the bathroom so early in the pregnancy (my poor bladder, and it will only get worse :c ).


05 July, 2012

Mika and McKenzie

Cheryl and McKenzie stopped by for a visit from Europe on the way to visit other family.  They only got to stay one night, but it is always great seeing them.  Being the hermits that we can be, Brian and I didn't take advantage of them living so close.  Now I miss just knowing we have family in the area and I miss seeing them even more.

Poor...McKenzie?  Mika?  I'm not sure who scared the other more.

Mika is very tall as most of you know and she has a very very loud bark.  She use to be so afraid of children as a puppy that she would plant herself and pee on the spot when they were around.  We don't know why.  She has gotten better though.  She barked very soon after McKenzie saw her for the first time since she was full grown and Kenz is use to small dogs, but probably hasn't seen too many big ones.  I think a combination of Mika's size and the volume/depth of her bark scared Kenz right at the beginning.  So we kept Mika in her crate or in our bedroom while they were here.  McKenzie was still quite worried about the dog though.  After realizing Mika couldn't get out of her crate, she played on our keyboard (also known as a pinano, for those of you who may not know) most of the evening.  I think she liked controlling the sound of the notes.  She is getting very independent and learning to do most things on her own.  A stage I loved seeing my little sisters go through, but I'm sure it can be trying for the parents.  This morning, Kenz found the demo button on the keyboard so she got to dance around to music.  She loves to dance so much, and I love watching her do it.  

When they left for the airport this morning, I let Mika out of our bedroom.  I promptly sat down to write this blog about their visit and check to see what was going on in this world (woot woot the higgs boson particle discovery...I like positive news and I saw it yesterday, but it is big enough to enjoy today too).  Then I hear Mika doing something downstairs near her food bowl, which I know is empty (she has been training me for children all this time).  I go and check to see what she got out of the trash.  Already tossing around a few thoughts with Brian about Mika and diapers last night, I suspected a diaper was the target of her raid.  Sure enough, on the living room floor was a diaper that had been in the trash.  Thankfully, she heard me coming, and it was fully intact and closed (compared to shredded all over the living room floor which is what I mentally prepared myself for).  This has instantly changed our need for a diaper genie from a "like to have"/"nice to have" (and me thinking it was almost worthless since we have so many floors we could be changing diapers on) to a "must have" for at least the main floor.

04 July, 2012

Back Pain

Soooo, for about a week now, my back has hurt like crazy on the left side down near the bone.  I started sleeping with a pillow between the knees and that seems to help, but I also got really lazy with the excuse of "taking it easy".  Back to the grindstone today though.  I have cleaning to catch up on and projects around the house to complete and a lot less time than I think I have until 4 September when I start my new job.  I'll be gone to Indiana for a bit and then to Europe.  Busy busy Amy.

Brian is still doing school.  I think he is surprising himself since he didn't do well in high school.  It isn't like he couldn't have done well in HS, he just didn't try.  So he got an A in pre-calc and surprising even himself I think, he got a 100% on his final!  I can tell he is very proud of himself, but he hasn't told many others.  I think he feels like it is bragging too much.  Personally, I am very proud of him.  I love watching him do something he enjoys/wants to do.
Mika got a wading pool for the back yard yesterday.  She loves it!  She just goes and lays down in the water to cool off when we are outside.  She is hilarious though because she can be sitting in water almost up to her head and she won't let you spray her with the hose.  Also, she still hates the vacuum.  I'm deep vacuuming today (couches, pillows, dusting curtains, etc) and she looks like the most pitiful thing ever.  We did make a cushion fort for her though.  Brian took a pic but I don't have a copy yet or I would post it.

Speaking of pictures.  I have tried to start taking belly pictures.  But I hate them.  All of them.  Brian promises I don't look stupid, but I don't believe him yet.  I'll keep trying to find a place and a stance that doesn't make me look weird.  Hopefully by Saturday at 15 weeks I can find one and actually have a bump to show you.  I can finally feel the fundus (top of uterus), but I just look bloated still.  I'm still around my start weight though.  I'm not sure when that will change since I'm eating a lot.  Like 2pm, 7pm, 1am snacks.  Maybe I just can't eat as much at a time and that is the difference.  I do know that my body forces me to stop when I get full.  Maybe I don't have as much room in there anymore with everything squishing around.  Oh, and let me just say...I'm kind of angry about the 1am snacks (sometimes 3am snacks too).  I'm tired before that.  I turn off the TV and the phone and the computer.  Normally I'm asleep in about 5-10 minutes.  NOPE!  Sometimes an hour later I'm still there.  I rarely have problems getting to sleep, so this is probably the most annoying change that has happened so far.  I am not looking forward to when baby can punch, kick, and roll where I can feel it and it keeps me awake.  Ok, enough rambling!  Back to vacuuming.