About the baby at 15 weeks:
Length: About 4 inches long or the size of my fist.
Weight: about 2.5 ounces (babycenter.com says to imagine an apple)
- Baby is taking in amniotic fluid through the nose to help in the development of the lungs.
- Baby can move all the joints and limbs now.
- Baby can sense light (even though the eyelids are still closed) and will move away from light making it into the uterus.
- Taste buds are forming.
- The three ear bones are hardening.
Changes for me:
Everything I read says I should have gained about 5 pounds by now, but I haven't gained a pound. I think I may have even lost a few. I'm eating all the time, but I can't seem to eat very big portions. Kind of unexpected that the time in my life that I can gain 20+ lbs and I can't seem to do it. I mean, I can gain 20 lbs easy without pregnancy! Bodies are weird
Everything I read says that nose stuffiness is a common symptom at this stage due to hormones and increased blood flow to the mucous membranes in my body. My frustration is that my eyes are also itchy and dry, and I have a sinus headache/pressure. Apparently this is common too. UGH
I'm very anxious to feel baby move. Most first time moms don't start feeling it until between 16-22 weeks. I guess I'll have to be patient (I'm not very patient...at all). The cool thing is that I have a home doppler. A couple weeks ago, I started hearing a new sound when I found the heartbeat. I'm pretty sure this is baby moving.
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