16 July, 2012

16 weeks and a shower

I am 16 weeks ("they" say baby is about the size of an avocado now!), and Jill threw me a baby shower back in my hometown.   

I'm really starting to show I think.  I will have K take a picture for me. 

The shower was a lot of fun.  Jill and my sisters put a ton of effort into it.  It was awesome, and I really can't thank them enough.   I've never had a shower or party like that before and it was a blast. 

Here are some pictures.  I have a few more, so ask if you want to see them.  I didn't put many of the people up in case anyone feels a bit weirded out by that.  You should be able to click on the pictures to make them bigger:

The shower was at my family's church in the fellowship hall.  It looked awesome!

These are just some of the decorations on the table.

Abby made cake pops for all the guests.

Another view where you can see the gift table in the back, the clothes line, and cake pops in the front.  The index cards were used for people to give me tips for being a mom and name recommendations. 

A table after we got the balloons.  A close friend of Jills got us the balloons for all the tables.  They were great!

This was my cake.  We don't know the sex of the kid yet so Jill made me a very beautiful colorful mystery cake.

Abby and Jill made these decorations for each window in the hall with posterboard/cardstock and tissue paper.  They turned out awesome and they really added to the room.

The flower/fan decorations up close. 

The guest table had envelopes for people to put their addresses on for a door prize, a plate for them to sign (not shown), some decorations, and a diaper tote filled with baby necessities that the guests had to look at for a price is right game. 

Close up on the cake.  The buttons were awesome!

A pair of booties that my mamaw gave me that fit perfect in a spot on the clothes line. 

Kendra and I made origami stars.  It was very easy but time consuming.  They looked too cute in baby food jars!

Another picture of a table with decorations.

A family friend playing the diaper game where you have to guess what kind of candy has been melted and squished in a diaper.

A family friend being grossed out by the diaper game. 

More fun with the diaper game

Me opening gifts (this is a cup that says "MOM" since the gifter said her mother always complained about not having her own cup for 18 years after having children.)

I got a few homemade blankets (which I love!) This one is being modeled by me and my cousin who was a great helper. 

Two of my grandmothers were able to make it to my shower.  I was so happy they could share the day with me.

Some of my mother's side of my family who were able to make it!

An awesome picture of balloons that Kendra took.  Thank you Kendra for doing all these pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Love your pictures, really like the one of you, Beth, Karl and family, Emily and girls, Mandy & Lexi.
