05 December, 2012

36 1/2 weeks

Baby Eli is almost full term (Saturday).  How freaky is that?  Someone posted to facebook that he could be born any day.  Which is true, and slightly terrifying, and overwhelmingly exciting.  I had an appointment this morning (a midwife I hadn't met yet, I liked her a lot and will see her again next appointmen  The midwife said that Eli's head is dropped way down and won't be able to get out of the head down position, so that is good to hear.  Unfortunately it means that I need to pee about every 30 seconds.  It is probably really about every 30 min- an hour, but it feels like it is a constant urge.  My pelvic bone is also feeling it more.   Rolling over is annoying.  I have to sit up to roll over, which is frustrating, but kind of funny too.  The body is weird.   

On to the fruit comparisons.  These are actually for 37 weeks which is Saturday.

  • is full term
  • probably has fully mature lungs, but some babies need a few more weeks.  
  • weighs about 6 1/3 lbs
  • is about 19 inches long (think a stalk of Swiss chard, what the hell is swiss chard?)
  • is shedding the vernix caseosa (waxy stuff protecting the skin from the amniotic fluid) which helps make the lovely meconium we get to deal with after he is born. 
I'm good.  Like I said before, I'm peeing a lot, and have hip/pelvic pain.  Other than that, I'm feeling good.  I get randomly tired and still have lots of heartburn.  

Brian's almost done with this semester.  That will be a nice break.  We are hoping that Mr. E can hang out in his spa until after Brian's finals.  Brian has started running and taking Mika with him.  She seems to love those run/walks.  I think it will be great for her after baby is born to have that routine so I hope B can keep going through some fatigue.  

Mika is good.  She hurt one of her toenails, but she feels no pain.  I know that isn't true, but we couldn't keep her off of her feet.  She is too active. 

That is really it.  I have some photos from my phone, but I have to get back to work so I don't have time to upload them right now.  I'll update them when I get home.

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