30 December, 2012


There went my due date.  What happened to those contractions I had last week?  I've gone days without anything that resembles labor :(.  I know that the due date is the average and going 41 or 42 weeks is completely within the norm, but I'm ready, kid!

Yes, I've eaten spicy foods and taken long walks and done housework and all those other things that everyone says will work.  No I won't take anything that resembles an herbal remedy or caster oil, so don't even offer.  

I had my first stranger touch my belly.  I want to say I smacked her hands away.  I wanted to.  I didn't.  I'll blame it on the fact that my hands were full with a tasty drink from the Nordstrom's cafe and that she was so much more excited about it being my due date than I was.  She was a nice Asian lady pushing some show tickets on us (the show looks really cool, too).  She was touchy feel-y in general and also touched my shoulder a few times. I may have lost my only chance to smack a complete stranger for a valid reason, but I'll live I guess.

No real news to update since my last grumpy post.  I thought you all might like some pictures though.


 Lazy Bump on my due date.  BAM!  Quit telling me I'm tiny or can't be "almost due", random-people-who-don't-know-me-and-should-think-before-they-open-their-traps.  I'm measuring on target. Also, that belly does NOT feel tiny no matter how much smaller it may be than other pregnant women's bumps.

Also, I typed a bunch of mean things here and erased them.  I find myself having a harder time filtering out the mean things the longer this baby stays in.   I'm not usually directing them at individuals (usually at "people" in general), so if I say mean things,  feel free to call me out and don't take it personally  (unless you are a 4-star general that decides I'm walking too slow (on the far right of a hallway that can fit 4 people across comfortably) and you almost run me over....then I will judge you allllll the way down the hallway as you rush off in your high-water dress uniform pants that are at least two inches out of regulation and make you look like a fool.  you should have had someone check you over before you left the office.  Maybe one of the four people in your entourage that did not even get close to running me over.  Maybe not the nice lady who gave me the apologetic look, though, she may be too nice to tell you you could walk through a swamp without getting your pant legs wet.  Then you can take it personally).
I hope you enjoyed the sweet bathroom picture.  At least it wasn't at my dry erase marked "to do list" mirror that you normally get to see. 
39 weeks and ready for work.  Somehow, I have never given you a picture in the same clothes twice.  This wasn't planned.  I actually took a picture in a shirt I have a picture of when I was at the early 30 week stage, but it didn't turn out.  It wasn't meant to be.  
 Also, to any early preggo ladies, consignment and thrift shops are your friends for maternity clothes.  Also, I spent the entire fall/winter in sleeveless shirts paired with cardigans.  And I was usually sweaty (I don't know how you summer moms did it), so  splurge on matching layering clothes no matter the season.  Your money will go further and you will be more comfortable.  

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